Journey to the Motherland

This is an online account of my three year DPhil undertaken at Oxford University from October 2006 to mid 2009. I will try to remain in email contact with people personally - this is so that I can attach large pictures, movies and anecdotes of the trip. Enjoy!

My Photo
Location: Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

From Brisbane to Canberra, from Canberra to Oxford... the temperature is on a downhill run. I hope to be a visiting fellow in Mawson Ice Base next. The programme wouldn’t let me use the Interest categories – what a character. Interests: Cricket(I look forward to seeing the Ashes [from England] in November and [in England] in 2008); writing the great Australian play - the antipodean pinnacle... take that Barry Dickins; Music J.S. Bach - 'Mass in B Minor' without a doubt. Certainly the organ works and concertos for harpsichord form fond favourites. I finally managed to convert all of my Bach CDs to MP3s on my external hardrive (rather than lug the 170 disc set around Oxford - I'll get that money to you later Ross... when Hilary Clinton becomes President and I get a mobile phone.) Anyway, anything by Haydn (I think he cops the rough end of the stick - good symphony times.) Books Hornblower and Captain Blood (there's nothing like adventure on the high seas), Certainly anything by Matthew Riley (7 Ancient Wonders... what a rip snorter), Oh and that book by Dan Brown: Digital Fortress... I will keep people posted as to whether I meet brilliant, young, sexy female code breakers.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Week 1 Day 0: Japan

I spent most of the day touring around Japan with Rach and Joe, again experiencing the sheer delight of sardine train carriages. We had plenty of eat (give everybody eat!) and plenty of drink. Here are some photographic highlights:

Above left: One of the guards at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo. He didn't wave back.
Left: My sister Rach, and I outside the Meiji Shrine.

Far below: They don't make it easy for us to enter the restaurants.
Below: Rach, her friend Asako, and I having a tofu dinner. I must say that even after an authentic Japanese Tofy dinner with all the punch and whistles, I could still live a contented life never having to taste the stuff again.

We went up to Tokyo Tower and I tried my hand at photography from above: Here is my taking a picture of Rach taking a picture of Mount Fuji (in the same vein as the escalator caperings.) The day was good, despite a bit of ill weather.

QUOD: Toire was nande ni arimasuka?
That was I, after a few too many large Japanese beers. Translated it comes roughly to: why is the toilet there? Yep... I was doing so well until that point.

TST 01/10/06


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Tim, glad to see you've "mastered" the environment. Perhaps a little more experience will be beneficial in getting around. Have you bought a raincoat, yet? Love, Grandma and Grandpa.

1:38 am GMT  

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