PHOTOS - Oxford Parks II
From the top: The cricket pavillion at the Oxford Parks - they have a pavillion - should be good times come summer. I had a try out for the Oxford Blues last weekend and kept pretty well, but not playing for so long has made me a little rusty. I think that it went down well enough as they asked me to come back next week. There was a tall chap there from St Lucia, full of pent up West Indian aggression who gave me a bouncer at the throat for my first ball. He was quick, very quick... after I had batted I rolled the old arm over with the gentle off spin. I started with a beamer, all be it at a grand speed of 85 km/hr. He laughed, I laughed, all was good.
Middle: The road to... more road. There are heaps of these little strips which makes for some comforting walks to clear the brain. Occaisonally these stealth runners jog up behind you and give you the old side swipe. You yell at them for their impudence, but their iPodded ears cannot hear.
Bottom: Punts... for punting. Summertime diversions.
Tim, I guess it will be a while before you make use of those punts! There might be an iceberg or two to contend with!!
Love, Mum. xx
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