Week 1 Day 2
This of course, is not without its price - you need to endure the periods of rain before the calm of the storm. And rain it does... again, and again. Then periods of cessation.... then more rain. But, with no water restrictions and a bounteous supply from above, I am loving life by taking 3 showers a day in warm water. The dial on the shower goes from 1 to 9, with nine symbolising the hottest temperature, and 1 the coldest. I find it seeringly hot at around 6, and I dare not try to push the envelope.
Here are some photos... for pleasure: From left to right: The Sir William Dvnn (see below*) School of Psychology, The Forestry Building, a quaint little college which houses the School of Statistics.
If you like Latin (and who am I to say that I don't?) they you'll love Oxford. You will find that no words emblazoned on buildings contain the letter 'U'. Odd no? Well, not really. All the U's are replaced with V's in late Latin and Oxford is all about that here.
Some more photos
Tim - I'm pleased that you made it safely and I can stop worrying now.
Mrs Ogre
A fine read that is. Now we just need you to keep us constantly updated... what's been happening in the past 3 days that you've been there?
Nothing has changed here.
Nice to see your porter was the "say no more, say no more" type. So, any nods and winks? I mean you're a man of the world...
PS You keep hitting the "y" key, you have put 'any' instead of 'and' and they instead of then. Just a nice tip for the Latin scholar. Please don't edit my blog or Real News, its all to depressing.
Now listen young Timothy,
Get someorder into these blog entries ... according to the order in wich they appear in the Antipodes you went from ANU, then to the Ox, to Nippon, back to Blighty, back to Rising Sun Village, then ... well you see the trend???? That's right!!! There isn't one!!!
Don't confused the aged and addled!
That's your mothers job!
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