Term ended on the 2nd of December and the holidays were had. On the 16th I went to Estonia for a week with the Balliol College Choir. What a tour!
We sang twice, with a practice... so it wasn't labour intensive, although the singing was enjoyable. But we were theree for an even week, staying in a hostel, dormitory style, with a complimentary breakfast each day. I likened the porridge to molten rubber and the cheese to latex, but it was free and that is what counts.
My camera didn't see much of the trip, which is part of the reason why this update it so late. When we got out of Tallinn Airport it was, as one would expect, much colder outside than in. So I whipped my jacket out and put it on, thinking 'That is quite a large bulge in the jacket pocket... oh there it goes, much better.' But the sickening crack with which the LCD screen contacted the pavement was heard across the Baltic states and so my photos for that trip are, in round figures, 0.
So - the point of the matter was - I had to wait until other chaps posted their own pictures on the internet, now I can grab theirs and palm them off as my own ph.... I mean. No. All photos were taken by mean and no plagarism was entered into.
Above: Dinner on the first night. We all went to a medieval Banquet Hall - the jugs contain cinnamon beer - what a novelty. Some of the food included: boar and bear sausages, blood sausage (AKA black pudding, but you get a bit more useful information with the former description), bread and meat infused bread (both kinds of which weren't allowed to be touched with a knife - some custom of the local people which we didn't want to break) and many varieties of delicious cabbage... well one variety: boiled... and not so much delicious as it was bland.... so they had lots of bland cabbage, are you happy now?
All of us outside the Church where we sung. We sung in the Tuesday afternoon Mass to a sellout crowd of 12 people, then we gave a concert on Thursday evening, where we doubled our ticket sales of the previous day. So the crowds weren't great, but at least we didn't have to refund tickets for day 5 of a test match - take that England.
The chap on the left is Guy 'WestDog' Westwood, and the chap on my right is Henry 'Dan' Cullen. I may or may not have coined the latter. More cinnamon beer you see.
Due to the weather (the nadir of -10 degrees and the propensity for 6 hour long days, with darkness encroaching at or around afternoon tea time) there was little to do for most of the day but eat, drink and be merry. And that we did. And this was merely the first day.
....and was there much rejoicing???
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