Journey to the Motherland

This is an online account of my three year DPhil undertaken at Oxford University from October 2006 to mid 2009. I will try to remain in email contact with people personally - this is so that I can attach large pictures, movies and anecdotes of the trip. Enjoy!

My Photo
Location: Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

From Brisbane to Canberra, from Canberra to Oxford... the temperature is on a downhill run. I hope to be a visiting fellow in Mawson Ice Base next. The programme wouldn’t let me use the Interest categories – what a character. Interests: Cricket(I look forward to seeing the Ashes [from England] in November and [in England] in 2008); writing the great Australian play - the antipodean pinnacle... take that Barry Dickins; Music J.S. Bach - 'Mass in B Minor' without a doubt. Certainly the organ works and concertos for harpsichord form fond favourites. I finally managed to convert all of my Bach CDs to MP3s on my external hardrive (rather than lug the 170 disc set around Oxford - I'll get that money to you later Ross... when Hilary Clinton becomes President and I get a mobile phone.) Anyway, anything by Haydn (I think he cops the rough end of the stick - good symphony times.) Books Hornblower and Captain Blood (there's nothing like adventure on the high seas), Certainly anything by Matthew Riley (7 Ancient Wonders... what a rip snorter), Oh and that book by Dan Brown: Digital Fortress... I will keep people posted as to whether I meet brilliant, young, sexy female code breakers.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Supple Joints

Balliol's First Black Tie Ball in 25 years went down a treat. The words 'open' and 'bar' need to be placed together more often for a capital symbiotic relationship. And then, the 8th Deadly Sin on Sunday afternoon: man should never again have to play cricket after he has supped from the open bar fruit. Our big games this week are against New College on Tuesday (for the second round of the knock out CUPPERS tournament) and Wadham College on Wednesday (for the 3rd round of teh round robin [sits in the treetop all day long] LEAGUE tournament).
Also I have started taking Cod Liver Oil of a morning. When in the supermarket last week I was picking up some toothpaste and saw the bottles of the stuff on the next shelf. I remember the tales told in days of yore that people were made to take a spoonful of this material each morning and how it made them into the bastions of fortitude that they are today. It smells like... fish... fishing all day and cutting up your catch - you hands get that slimy feeling with that lovely smell. You of course don't put those fingers in your mouth, but if you did, you could imagine that taste - welcome to Flavour Country, Population: Cod Liver Oil.
It is advertised as providing Supple Joints to all those who partake in its wholesome aroma. I have never had Supple Joints and would quite enjoy the novelty, people will walk down the street and say, 'There goes Tim, gee his joints are supple', and so on. The taste has been tough to stomach and so the last few days have included a glass of Laphroaig with breakfast to drown out the taste.
But with time... anything is possible, including the omission of whisky at breakfast time.


Blogger Captainowie said...

You're an idiot.
Who in their right mind takes Cod Liver Oil voluntarily?

8:04 am GMT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the good capt'n - you're mad!

...take I Fish Oil tabs instead


12:25 pm GMT  

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